Ask Matt Oakes
Leedey 80
Located three miles North of Leedey, OK is this attractive 80 that is waiting for you. Looking to build a home, or just have land to run a few cows on and enjoy recreation? This 80 acres has a beautiful seasonal creek bottom that runs through the middle of it with an abundant amount of cover for whitetail deer and other animals. Several deer signs were found while taking pictures, and we even jumped up a very nice buck while walking the south end. Owner also said the there has been 1 or 2 covey of quail staying on the place. This 80 has a water well with 2 solar panels for livestock water, and a small catch pond that hold water that overflows from the stock tank. Many opportunities for family fun awaits the new owners. Call Matt Oakes at 580-210-6336 before this one is gone.
From Leedey
3 Miles North on Highway 34
.75 Miles North on Caliche Road
.25 Miles West and then South into.
*Well and Solar Panel
*Seasonal Creek
*Whitetail Deer
*County Road 0750 on the North
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