Ask Roger Entz
Land Auction 1,520+/- Contiguous Acres - N. Of Butler, OK
Land Auction
1,520+/- Acres North of Butler, OK
Multiple Tracts
SOLD - $2,266,000
Tract 1 - 80 Acres - E/2 SE/4 Sec 23-T15N-R19W, Custer Co.
Productive Farmland - West Barnitz Creek
FSA Info: Wheat Base 51.84 Acres, Cotton 9.33 Acres, Generic 2.33 Acres
Tract 2 - 320 Acres - SW/4, SE/4 Sec. 24 -T15N-R19W, Custer Co.
Grassland - Farmland - Access on 3 Sides - Hunting
FSA Info: Wheat Base 76.96 Acres, Cotton 13.85 Acres, Generic 3.46 Acres
Tract 3 - 240 Acres
NE/4 NW/4, W/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 E/2 NE/4 Sec 25-T15N-R19W, Custer Co. Grassland - Well Fenced - Hunting - Solar Well
FSA Info: Wheat Base 85.95 Acres, Cotton 15.47 Acres, Generic 3.87 Acres
Tract 4 - 240 Acres
NE/4 SW/4, SE/4 SW/4, W/2 SE/4, E/2 SE/4, Sec 25-T15N-R19W, Custer Co.
Grassland - Well Fenced Hunting
FSA Info: Wheat Base 84.89 Acres, Cotton 15.28 Acres, Generic 3.82 Acres
Tract 5 - 320 Acres - NW/4, NE/4 Sec 36-T15N-R19W, Custer Co.
Productive Farmland - Grassland - Pond - Hunting
FSA Info: Wheat Base 136.18 Acres, Cotton 24.51 Acres, Generic 6.13 Acres
Tract 6 - 320 Acres - NW/4, SW/4 Sec 31-T15N-R18W, Custer Co. Grassland - Hunting - Solar Well
FSA Info: Wheat Base 69.48 Acres, Cotton 12.51 Acres, Generic 3.13 Acres
*Possession of grassland will be upon closing and possession of cultivated acres will be subject to farming clause.*
Farming Clause: The buyer may begin farming operations immediately following the complete execution of this contract, with the understanding that no permanent changed (dirt work, tree removal, fence removal, etc.,) may be made to the property. Furthermore, if the Buyer wrongfully refuses to close, the Buyer will forfeit any and all inputs including, but not limited to time, fuel, fertilizer, seed, chemical, interest, eqiupment use, etc. This paragraph and immediate operations only apply to the current cultivated acres. The Buyer agrees to obtain adequate liability insurance before beginning any operations.