Ask Allen Entz
560+/- Acres in Washita County
560+/- Acres Land Auction in Washita County
Farmland • Grassland • Running Creek • Great Location
Sold - $834,000 Total
Tract 1 $207,000
Tract 2 $310,000
Tract 3 $596,000
March 28th, 2024
Auctioneer’s Statement:
It’s our pleasure to bring to you an opportunity to purchase 3 tracts of Washita County land. These properties include productive farmland, grassland with a running creek, and tracts 1 & 2 with highway frontage. Make plans to be with us in Corn, Okla. on Thursday, March 28th at 10 A.M.
Auction Location: Bailey Music Hall - Old CBA Campus - 208 North Reimer St. Corn, OK
Tract 1 80+/- Acres
Legal Description: Tract 1 - 76.82 Acres described as Lots 1 & 2 or West Half (W/2), Northwest Quarter (NW/4), Section Thirty
(Sec. 30), Township Ten North (T10N), Range Fourteen West (R14W), I.M., Washita County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only.
Property Location: From Corn, OK - 4 Miles South on N2360 Rd, 3 Miles East on E1170 Rd.
Tract 2 160+/- Acres
Legal Description: Tract 2 - 160 Acres described as: The Northwest Quarter (NW/4), Section Eleven (Sec. 11), Township Nine North (T09N), Range Fifteen West (R15W), I.M., Washita County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only.
Property Location: From Corn, OK - 6 Miles South on N2360 Rd, 1 Mile East on Hwy. 152, 1 Mile South on N2370 Rd.
Tract 3 320+/- Acres
Legal Description: Tract 3 – 320 Acres described as: The Southeast Quarter (SE/4) & Northeast Quarter (NE/4), Section 35 (Sec. 35), Township Ten North (T10N), Range Fifteen West (R15W), I.M. Washita County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only.
Property Location: From Corn, OK - 5 Miles South on N2360 Rd, 1½ Miles East on E1180 Rd.
Real Estate Terms & Conditions: 10% of the purchase price of the real estate will be deposited in escrow the day of sale with the balance due upon closing. The Seller will have a reasonable period of time to furnish the abstract. The Buyer will have 15 days to examine the abstract and closing will be within 5 days of acceptance of title. Possession following harvest, but not later than June 30th. Selling surface only. This property sells subject to the Seller’s confirmation. Maps/pictures are for reference only. Buyers are responsible for doing due diligence prior to auction. Any announcements sale day take precedence. These Tracts will be sold individually and not in combination.