Ask Roger Entz
Thursday, Sept. 12th • 10:00 A.M.
Auction Location: Onsite
Driving Direction: From Geary, OK: 5 Miles West on SW South St. (E 0960 Rd.)
Native & Improved Grasses - Electrical Service - Well & Stock Tank - Perimeter Fenced - Good Access - Potential Homesites - Blacktop Road
Legal Description: The Northeast Quarter (NE/4). Section Seven (Sec.07), Township Thirteen North (T13N), Range Eleven West (R11W), Indian Meridian, Blaine County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only. Less and Except 10.5 acres located in the Northwest Corner of said Northeast Quarter
FSA Information: Cropland 44.37 Acres, Wheat 39.90 Acres, Avg. PLC Yield 25 Bu./A.